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Venue Type:
No. of Trails: 5
Car Park
Bike Shop
15 miles south of Aberdeen along the A90. Park in the Stonehaven market square car park.

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A market square car park with toilets, a bike shop and cafes nearby. A short cycle takes you to the entry to the woods.

Trails at Stonehaven


Trail Title Length (Miles) Ascent (Mtrs) Time (Hrs) Tech Grade Fitness Grade
Dunnottar Woods 1 3.7 93 0.75 Moderate Easy
Fetteresso Tour 30.8 847 5 Easy Hard
The Elsick Mounth 39.2 937 6.5 Easy Hard
Swanley Singletrack 11.1 334 3 Moderate Moderate
Drumtochty Glen 34.6 941 7 Easy Hard

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Comments and ratings for Dunnottar Woods 1
stoneymtb gave this trail 3 stars about 4 years ago

Dunnottar Woods 1

Viewed 266 times
Length: 3.7 Miles
Ascent: 93 m
Time: 0.75 hrs
Tech Grade: Moderate
Fitness Grade: Easy
Av. Trail Rating:
(1 votes so far)
Coming out of the car park turn towards the traffic lights and head right. Carry on along this main road until it swings left, carry straight on onto a quieter road. Soon after you turn left past a forestry sign for Dunnottar Woodland Park. Head up a steep climb and then turn sharp left close to the top onto a narrow trail with some roots. This continues around the north edge of the woods. At the end instead of going down the steps, if you continue around the field you come to a shallow rooty ramp which allows easier access to the lower path. Head right along this trail and continue right at the next junction before going straight across at the crossroads. Carry on along the track but cut right and drop down one of the steep descents into the old quarry. Carry on out the west entrance into the car park. Here you turn left onto a small path. This takes you to the road. Cross the road and go up the track. Then carry on past the field staying right. Once your past the field take the first left and then carry straight on at the the next. As you approach a picnic area turn right and continue up the narrow trail. Take the second right and go down the fast downhill trail and turn right. Continue for around 5 metres then turn left up the obvious path. Turn left at the top and continue down the trail. Turn right towards a bridge. Cross the bridge and cycle up the steps and rooty slope. Carry on along the top staying high until the path leaves the top and passes a "valley" take a right across this "valley" and carry no up the other side along a trail. This climbs slowly toward the road and then dives right back down as you reach it. The downhill takes you to another road which you join turning left and then almost imediately right and then right again down a short steep bit. The trail then continues along a camber and gets to the shell house, a small building and head up right. Continue straight across the cross roads and then kepp going until you reach steep stairs down to a road. Turn left at the top onto a narrow path along the edge of the slope. This trail joins a path that drops down back into the quarry car park. Turn out of the car park across the road anto a small singletrack by the road this continues along and rejoins the road. Continue down the hill until you reach the top of a set of stairs. Drop down the very steep slope to the left of these and turn right along the wide path. This trail continues until you reach the bottom of three steps back up to the road. Go up these and make your way back to the Market Square Car Park.

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Photos for Fetteresso Tour

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Comments and ratings for Fetteresso Tour

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Fetteresso Tour

Viewed 231 times
Length: 30.8 Miles
Ascent: 847 m
Time: 5 hrs
Tech Grade: Easy
Fitness Grade: Hard
Av. Trail Rating:
(0 votes so far)
This is a long route mainly on forest roads but with a short section of great singletrack about 1km long. There is also a large section of the route on roads.

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Photos for The Elsick Mounth

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Comments and ratings for The Elsick Mounth

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The Elsick Mounth

Viewed 282 times
Length: 39.2 Miles
Ascent: 937 m
Time: 6.5 hrs
Tech Grade: Easy
Fitness Grade: Hard
Av. Trail Rating:
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A long route through the forests near Stonehaven. It finishes by going along the Elsick Mounth, an old drovers road.

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Photos for Swanley Singletrack

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Comments and ratings for Swanley Singletrack
scotland2014 gave this trail 4 stars about 3 years ago

Swanley Singletrack

Viewed 425 times
Length: 11.1 Miles
Ascent: 334 m
Time: 3 hrs
Tech Grade: Moderate
Fitness Grade: Moderate
Av. Trail Rating:
(1 votes so far)
Start by climbing out of Stonehaven along the Auchenblae road. Cross the bridge over the A90 and continue past the garden centre. Just after a car park turn left onto a straight road. At the ned of this road turn left. Cross a small bridge then turn right up the hill. The road curves around to the left. After this turn right to continue climbing. This takes you to the Swanley car park. Follow the track turning left at the first junction and then right aat the second. Climb for a short distance then descend, always looking to the left for a path leading into the trees. Follow this path down until it meets a path. Turn right onto the path and follow it until it reaches the road. Turn right up the road and cycle almost back to the Swanley car park. Just before you get there turn left down a track which bends round to the right turning into a singletrack. Follow this till a junction. Turn right up the very steep hill. At the top go straight across the cross roads and climb onto the hillside. At the next junction follow the grassy path down the small valley. The path then climbs out of the valley and descends the left hand edge. This turns left at a plantation and joins the main track. Turn right and then drop down to the slug road. Turn right and follow it back into Stonehaven.

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Photos for Drumtochty Glen

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Comments and ratings for Drumtochty Glen

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Drumtochty Glen

Viewed 249 times
Length: 34.6 Miles
Ascent: 941 m
Time: 7 hrs
Tech Grade: Easy
Fitness Grade: Hard
Av. Trail Rating:
(0 votes so far)
A ride through fetteresso forest to Drumtochty Glen then back along the Auchenblae Road

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Average rating for the trails at Stonehaven

4 Stars

2 votes for this rating
This venue has been viewed 5758 times

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