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Location Details For Venue: Surrey Hills Leith Hill

The active google map below shows a detailed view of this venue's primary and additional locations.

Note: The map defaults to 'Terrain' mode, but in some situations it may be more useful to have it in 'Map' or 'Satellite' mode.

Primary Location   

Probably the best way to approach this car park is from Dorking up Coldharbour lane from Dorking. The lane is quite narrow and is busy with cars/roadies/mtber so be careful. You will need to pass through the village of cold harbour which has a small pub to get to the car park. There is also parking in Coldharbour but this is often full.

Additional Locations   

The map also shows any additional locatons which have been defined for this venue. Additional locations are typically added when there is an alternative starting point, carpark or meeting place from which the trails at this venue can also be accessed.


Small car park across from Pub in Coldharbour village

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