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Trail Comments


Hamsterley Forest


Red Route

Av. Trail Rating:
5 votes for this rating

brianelliott65 gave this trail about 9 months ago
Boring. Too much fire road : insufficient offroad interest
skiiter2 gave this trail about 1 year ago
Stil too many fire roads, but improving all the time with the addition of new singletrack sections.
greenon gave this trail about 2 years ago gave this trail about 2 years ago
Did the red route end of November 2011 during heavy winds and rain. Route was in good condition with a few muddy holes on the way to the burn. First bit of single track emptied onto a tarmac strip going downhill which was a disappointment. The climb up to four lane ends seems to be interminable but when you get to the technical downhill bits all is forgiven. The parts of the red on the South side of the forestry road are pretty mundane, the downhill action is on the North side. Next time I go I'll pedal uphill from the groves heading North East to four lane ends and then do the technical descents. Really enjoyable day in pretty poor weather. Will go again very soon.
stumpy gave this trail about 2 years ago